Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Countdown of Concepts 1 Day to Go

Luigi's Ghost Town

So goes 2013, aka. The Year of Luigi. But the year of luigi will never end as long as we hold the green plumber dear in our hearts. To commemorate Luigi's time in the shine, here's an idea for a game called 
Luigi's Ghost Town.  
Happy New Year Everyone.

Monday, December 9, 2013

25 Days of Concepts Day 9


Well this turned out creepier than I hoped. The intended picture is taking longer than intended so here's a well established character, Cody. Every time he dies (which is a lot) he comes back to life via cloner.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

25 Days of Concepts Day 1

The Beast of Plagues

Because Christmas is right around the corner, I'm gonna rapid fire 25 days of concept creatures.
So don't miss out because just like Santa, I'm watching you when you're sleeping. Wait...